Important Update - Online Payments System - iPayImpact

Tue 14 May 2024

The academy uses CRB Cunninghams for its online payments system, known as iPayImpact. With effect from 31st May 2024 we are required to switch the payment gateway used by CRB Cunninghams, which authorises and collects online payments securely before paying monies over to the academy. The current gateway is Capita but this will be changing to Vesta Merchant Services (VMS) who are FCA authorised/approved. 

What does this mean for parents/carers?

  • There will be a very short period of down time to the iPayImpact system to accommodate the switch, the downtime will be less than 1 hour and will be during half term to ensure minimal disruption. If, during this window, you attempt to use the online payments system then you will notice a banner message on screen. To avoid any issues we advise that you do not attempt to make any payments on 31st May 2024

  • Once the process is complete all registered users will be notified via an automated email to confirm that the switch is complete and will be free to log back in again

  • During the switch, any saved cards that were stored in iPay will be removed. This is because these cards are verified and stored against the previous payment gateway. The next time a parent/carer wishes to make a payment, they will need to enter their card details again as this verifies the card with the new gateway provider, VMS

  • If the parent/carer has active automatic payments, these will be paused as the card saved against them will no longer be available. If they wish to resume these payments, they will need to re-save their payment details and assign these to the relevant payments. When they next log in, they will be automatically guided through this process by iPay. Alternatively you can follow this link which guides you through the steps required - link

  • For parents/carers who use a barcode to make payments at a PayPoint then the schools finance team will issue you with a new barcode which is linked to your account and the new gateway, after the switch date. Therefore, after the 31st May please do not try to use your old barcodes as they will not work 

  • In addition to card payments, you will now have the ability to use Apple Pay and Google Pay 

  • The money that was processed via the previous gateway is not affected and all user and fund balances will remain as they were prior to the switch